About Our Service

Nationwide, there are an estimated 5 billion dollars of obscure and unconventional account receivables that need to be rejoined to their rightful owner. A company’s hard-earned money shouldn’t be left to collect dust because of technical oversights.

That’s where we come in…

Hayes & Company was created and designed specifically to resolve this issue. We utilize customized proprietary software to correctly identify, process and return these misplaced funds without delay. We serve both mid-sized and Fortune 1000 companies across the United States. Since 1998, we’ve streamlined our process to work independently in the background, which provides a company more time to focus on what they do best…running their business.

No Financial Risk

We’re so confident in our services that we never charge any client an upfront fee. Hayes & Company only receives payment once our work is done and your business’s money is back in your account where it belongs, and you’ll have that in writing. The best part? We have had 100% success locating and returning funds to every single client we’ve worked with.

If we do not recover any funds, we are not paid. Period.

But our client list speaks for itself.


We’re extremely proud to have provided our services to hundreds of mid-size and Fortune 1000 companies resulting in the recovery of over 100 million dollars.